This is a blend of traditional and a digital auction platform where participants can bid on items in real-time or attend to the live auction on site. A blend of a traditional auction house with a layer of technology, bids are made and received instantly, allowing for a dynamic and fast-paced auction experience.
This all-digital platform allows lots be offered for sale with online bidding available to all registered bidders. The auction can be controlled by the online system only, but can also be enhanced to include a live auctioneer who controls the process.
This is a blend of traditional and a digital auction platform where participants can bid on items in real-time or attend to the live auction on site. A blend of a traditional auction house with a layer of technology, bids are made and received instantly, allowing for a dynamic and fast-paced auction experience.
This is a sale method where the price is not disclosed publicly. Instead, the buyer and seller negotiate terms privately until they reach an agreement. It’s commonly used in real estate transactions and allows for more flexibility and privacy.
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